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haym.infotec GmbH
Salzburger Straße 20
5550 Radstadt

Tel.: +43 6452 200900
Fax: +43 6452 200904

E-Mail: office@haym.info
Internet: http://www.haym.info

UID: ATU63337614
FN: 57869b
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht Salzburg
Behörde gem. ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Johann im Pongau
Anwendbare Rechtsvorschriften: Gewerbeordnung www.ris.bka.gv.at
Kammer: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

Rechtsform: GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Michael Haym
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen: Zu den AGB

Offenlegung nach Mediengesetz:

Medieninhaber: haym.infotec GmbH
Firmensitz (Ort der Hauptniederlassung): Salzburger Straße 20, 5550 Radstadt
Unternehmensgegenstand: Handel mit Elektronikartikeln

Copyrightangabe für die verwendeten Icons auf der Webseite


Ethernet by Michael Anthony from The Noun Project

Paper by Tom Schott from The Noun Project

SIM Card by Rohan Gupta from The Noun Project

Telephone by Patrick Morrison from The Noun Project

Toothbrush by Alessandro Suraci from The Noun Project

Iron by Anne Caroline Bittencourt Gonçalves from The Noun Project

Lightning by Jory Raphael from The Noun Project

Components by Q. Li from The Noun Project

Multimedia by Adam Mullin from The Noun Project

USB by Claudio Gomboli from The Noun Project


Coffee Maker by Antonieta Gomez from The Noun Project

Video Game Controller by Hysen Drogu from The Noun Project

Microphone by Edward Boatman from The Noun Project

USB by Kenneth Von Alt from The Noun Project


Fiber Optics by David Waschbüsch from The Noun Project

Rope by David Waschbüsch from The Noun Project

Vehicle Tracking by Simon Child from The Noun Project

Scanner by Hussain Khalil from The Noun Project

Hard Drive by arwilfried from The Noun Project

Radio by Michael Gluzman from The Noun Project

DVD Player by Dan Hetteix from The Noun Project

Equalizer by Josh Deane from The Noun Project

Headphones by Kevin Hipke from The Noun Project

Speaker by deadtype from The Noun Project

Tape Measure by Gemma Garner from The Noun Project

Microwave Oven by Marc Serre from The Noun Project

Headset by Sandor Szabo from The Noun Project

Button by Jakob Vogel from The Noun Project

CD by Juan Pablo Bravo from The Noun Project

Color by Christopher T. Howlett from The Noun Project


Fax by José Campos from The Noun Project

Height by Tracy Hudak from The Noun Project

Video Game by Claire Jones from The Noun Project

Projector by Matt Crum from The Noun Project


CD by Jordan Delcros from The Noun Project

RAM by Bryn Bodayle from The Noun Project

Computer Settings by Milky - Digital innovation from The Noun Project

Bluetooth by Mister Pixel from The Noun Project

Power Strip by Michael Zick Doherty from The Noun Project

Calculator by Nicolò Bertoncin from The Noun Project

Hard Drive by Rigo Peter from The Noun Project

Fan by Murali Krishna from The Noun Project

Tools by jessie_vp from The Noun Project

Database by Romeo Barreto from The Noun Project

Network by Mister Pixel from The Noun Project

Wifi by NAS from The Noun Project

Tag by Stefan Parnarov from The Noun Project

Camera by Simon Child from The Noun Project

Monitor by Hunor Csaszar from The Noun Project

Scanner by Eric Pearson from The Noun Project

Circuit Board by Mike Wirth from The Noun Project

Servers by Jaime Carrion from The Noun Project

Smartphone by James Fenton from The Noun Project

Screen by Dan Hetteix from The Noun Project

Fullscreen by Olyn LeRoy from The Noun Project

Microchip by Thomas Uebe from The Noun Project

Hard Drive by Adam Zubin from The Noun Project

LAN cable by Nikhil Dev from The Noun Project

SD card by Alexandr Cherkinsky from The Noun Project



GPS by Edward Boatman from The Noun Project

Surge Protector by Sergey Krivoy from The Noun Project

Microchip by Márcio Duarte from The Noun Project

Keyboard by Paul te Kortschot from The Noun Project

Computer by Luis Prado from The Noun Project

Cassette by mathies janssen from The Noun Project

Camera Lens by Andrew Shalansky from The Noun Project

by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
